Author: ADMIN

We are Hiring A Consultant

We are hiring a consultant to document Lifeline/Childline Zambia’s achievements and success stories in print, photography, audio and video as told by the beneficiaries of its services in the context

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We are Hiring! Consultants

LLCZ is implementing a European Union supported project titled ‘Scaling Up Lifeline/Childline Zambia to Respond to COVID-19.’ The overall objective of the project is to improve access to GBV response

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A summary of our key activities implemented by Lifeline ChildLine Zambia for 2020.

Need to talk?

Children call: 116 | Adults call: 933

Or contact us through:

Children 116


Adults 933


Need to talk?

Our counsellors are ready!

Children call: 116

Adults call: 933

Prefer chat?

Contact us through:

Children 116


Adults 933


Do you want to help?

Lifeline/Childline Zambia's work is made possible through the generous support of donors like you; your contribution will ensure that vulnerable children and adults will be able to continue accessing life saving counselling and referral services.

Some of our key donors


Stay aware of the latest information on COVID-19 , available on the WHO website and through your national and local public health authority. Call 933/ Text /Call 116 for more information, 24/7