Sexual and Gender Based Violence
Violence, abuse and neglect are growing problems and take many forms. To find more information about :
Physical Abuse
Physical violence and abuse based on the fact that you are a man or a woman is a growing problem. If you or anyone you know is being:
Beaten, slapped, punched, or kicked
Bruised or cut
Physically hurt in any way
You may be worried about what to do next, and you may not know whether you want to report what happened – however immediate safety is the priority. The first thing to do is to go to your nearest police station so you can let them know what is happening and get medical help as soon as you can. If it’s a medical emergency please go to your nearest local clinic or hospital to get urgent treatment – you can walk in anytime and get immediate care. Clinic workers are understanding, do not pass judgment or tell you what to do and are respectful and professional.
All conversations about your health are always confidential and private.
Verbal and Emotional Abuse at Home
Not all sexual and gender-based violence is physical. Verbal abuse like screaming, shouting and name-calling, and emotional abuse like threats and intimidation, are real problems, especially in families. If you are worried about;
How your spouse treats you
What your family and community might think
Impact on children
What to do about your relationship
Guilt, shame, or feeling like a failure
Money and how to survive
What to do next
You may be worried about what to do next, and you may not know whether you want to report what happened – however immediate safety is the priority. The first thing to do is to go to your nearest police station so you can let them know what is happening and get medical help as soon as you can.
If it’s a medical emergency please go to your nearest local clinic or hospital to get urgent treatment – you can walk in anytime and get immediate care. Clinic workers are understanding, do not pass judgment or tell you what to do and are respectful and professional. All conversations about your health are always confidential and private.
Verbal and Emotional Abuse Outside the Family Home
Verbal and emotional abuse can also happen outside your home; at work, school, church, in the community or at group gatherings. Problems include inappropriate advances or suggestive remarks, being made to feel unsafe because you’re a man or a woman, or people in authority taking advantage. If you are worried about;
Your boss or someone at work
Your teacher or someone at school
Feeling pressured into doing something you’re not sure about
Being offered gifts or bribes or getting favors for doing something someone else wants
You may be uncertain about what to do next, and you may not know whether you want to report what happened – however immediate safety is the priority. The first thing to do is to go to your nearest police station so you can let them know what is happening and get medical help as soon as you can. If it’s a medical emergency please go to your nearest local clinic or hospital to get urgent treatment – you can walk in anytime and get immediate care. Clinic workers are understanding, do not pass judgment or tell you what to do and are respectful and professional. All conversations about your health are always confidential and private.
Sexual Abuse and Rape
People are sometimes forced to have sex with people when they don’t want to (rape), or to do sexual things against their will. This can happen once or more often. People may know the person or they may be a stranger.
Sexual violence and abuse have immediate as well as long term physical and emotional consequences. Being sexually abused because you are a man or a woman is a growing problem. If you or anyone you know is or has been:
Forced to have sex (including with a partner)
Forced to have sex in exchange for things they need like food or shelter
Offered gifts or bribes or getting favors in exchange for unwanted sex
Sexually abused by someone in authority (at home, school, work or in the community)
You may be worried about what to do next, and you may not know whether you want to report what happened – however immediate safety is the priority. The first thing to do is to go to your nearest police station so you can let them know what is happening and get medical help as soon as you can.
If it’s a medical emergency please go to your nearest local clinic or hospital to get urgent treatment – you can walk in anytime and get immediate care. Clinic workers are understanding, do not pass judgment or tell you what to do and are respectful and professional. All conversations about your health are always confidential and private.
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence also includes situations where you’re being neglected, don’t have money to pay for school or don’t have the things you need to survive, like medicine, food and clothes. If you are worried about;
Having some money but not enough to survive
Your spouse providing enough financial support to the family
Having to ration food or pick who goes to school and who works
Situations where parents can’t take good care of their children or are away leaving their children with family members who may not give them what they need
You may be worried about how to cope or what to do next, and you may not know whether you want to report what’s happened – however immediate safety is the priority. If someone is unsafe the first thing to do is to go to your nearest police station so you can let them know what is happening and get medical help as soon as you can.
If it’s a medical emergency please go to your nearest local clinic or hospital to get urgent treatment – you can walk in anytime and get immediate care. Clinic workers are understanding, do not pass judgment or tell you what to do and are respectful and professional. All conversations about your health are always confidential and private.